Ad-hoc analysis for online retailers with DataWow

How to identify margin killers on Amazon [Werbung]

Perform ad-hoc analysis for your online store and all other sales platforms such as Amazon and eBay to identify margin killers and take action – that’s what this DataWow tutorial is all about.

The portfolio analysis is followed by the ad hoc analysis

In the last DataWow episode, we looked at how you can use the Smart Controlling tool to perform a portfolio analysis to determine which products perform well on which platforms, and which don’t perform at all.
We noticed that the glass bowls on Amazon with a DB I – that is, without marketing costs – are at 8.5%, which is very low. We want to take a closer look at these with an ad-hoc analysis within DataWow to see if there are any products within the glass bowl range that are performing well.

Ad hoc analysis for online retailers

To do this, we go into ad hoc mode and create a new ad hoc analysis. Accordingly, we go to the graphical table in the right column and first of all add the desired characteristics.
As I said, let’s take a look at the Amazon platform and take a closer look at our glass bowls. Afterwards, I simply drag the key figures that I want to analyze into the main field here.
Thus, I decided on invoice numbers, sales quantity, total sales, and absolute and relative DB I and II. Depending on which period is decisive for you, this can be selected under Period. So for us, the entire year 2020.

Identify the margin killers with DataWow

We already see our DB I of 8.5% here and now want to display the variants to split the whole thing up and see which products perform well with the glass bowls.
So I see here how many invoices have been created, what the sales quantity is, but I want to have the whole thing listed in descending order by DB I. This means that I only have to click once on the DB I lettering to see that we have products whose DB I and DB II are very positive and deviate from our average value by 8.5%. That is here we can note the item numbers and should promote these products more. But where there is light, there is also shadow. If we turn the tables, we also see products that are sold very frequently, but generate very, very negative margins. These are then products that I must urgently adjust the price or just take down from Amazon.

DataWow the smart controlling tool for online retailers

That was an example of how you can very very quickly pull out the relevant details that you need using ad hoc analysis. If you want, you can also export the data as an Excel table or send it by e-mail. If you have any questions or are interested in the tool, feel free to contact DataWow.

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