Avoid shitstorm

How to avert a shitstorm and react correctly

In this video, we explain how you can avoid a shitstorm, i.e. how you can prevent a wave of hate comments from arising from a negative comment. If you can no longer avert the shitstorm, we show you how to react correctly.

Avoiding a shitstorm - What is a shitstorm?

In this article, we have an exciting topic for social media savvy entrepreneurs. The question we will ask is what to do when a shitstorm is already underway or threatening to escalate. But first a general explanation of terms. What exactly is a shitstorm? For one thing, the word was named Anglicism of the Year in 2011, is now in the Duden dictionary, and means “the avalanche-like occurrence of negative criticism, up to and including vituperative criticism, in thecontext of social networks, blogs, or comment functions on websites.”

Two example of a shitstorm

To make the whole thing a little more tangible, let’s take an example. Probably the first major shitstorm was triggered by Greenpeace when the major corporation Nestle was accused of endangering the habitat of orangutas in the palm oil production of its product “KitKat”. But that alone was not the incentive, but the approach of Nestle itself, which blocked fan pages and took legal action against the Greenpeace video. The consequence was the so-called Streisand effect, i.e. generating public attention by trying to cover up an unwelcome piece of information. The video was then shared over and over again. Probably the most recent shitstorm was triggered by the ZDF Magazin Royal report on Fynn Kliemann’s mask sale. In an online store, masks of his brand were offered, which were declared as fairly produced in Europe, but were allegedly manufactured in Bangladesh.

Avoid shitstorm - Bashing vs. shitstorm

So it can be said that a shitstorm can affect both companies, which means you online retailers, and individuals. But first of all, you have to differentiate between two levels. The second stage is the shitstorm, but this is preceded by bashing. Bashing is defined as a single violent, disparaging criticism. This can be e.g. his “Your shoes are all low quality”. Here, however, one should also distinguish between, on the one hand, rudimentary constructive criticism and, on the other hand, simply defamatory insults. If the latter is the case, such as e.g. “You are all morons” this comment offers no added value and should be deleted if possible. The same also applies to Racism, discrimination, private data of third parties, inadmissible insults or offensive statements. If the comment meets these criteria, then away with it. But do not delete comments lightly. Trained employees should be responsible for this who have the right feel for it.

Avoid shitstorms - 5 tips

However, if the comment is abusive but criticizes something tangible, you should keep the following points in mind when communicating. The most important rule is: “Time is your enemy”. Because the longer you wait, the more likely a bashing comment can lead to a shitstorm. So respond to what is being said, even if you don’t yet have an explanation or solution to the problem. Provide feedback that you understand and care about the problem. An apology can also work wonders at this point. But: then give the solution immediately internally and do not leave it at the answer in the social network. Otherwise, quickly looks untrustworthy and will not be able to avoid the shitstorm. Here our prophylactic social media tip is also quite clear – Be authentic, because only this will prevail in the long run in the social medias. If your facade crumbles, the shitstorm is already pre-programmed. When answering, do not get emotional, do not be abusive, and do not beat around the bush. You need to make the people involved feel like they are being taken seriously.

The summary

So let’s summarize once again how to proceed in the event of an approximate shitstorm. The most important factor is time. There should be a direct response to justified criticism. Regrets what happened and assures to do everything possible to correct the error. Most of the time, this prevents comments that jump on the criticism and unleash a shitstorm wave. If this can no longer be avoided or if you have reacted too late, try to turn the criticism into praise. The cookie manufacturer “Honey Maid” has shown how this can be done. Due to a commercial showing tattooed hipsters and homosexual couples as parents, the company received massive hate messages and comments. They took this as an opportunity to print them out in a second commercial and form the word “Love” from them. Sales figures rose in response. So sometimes you have to see negative things as opportunities.

Social media agency eBakery

What do you think? Have you had any experience with this so far? If so, write them in the comments. If you haven’t experienced a shitstorm yet, but now also want to rely on social media and don’t have a proper roadmap yet, then we as a social media agency are happy to help.

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