Legally compliant order overview page

Shopify Shop set up legally compliant with the help of Händlerbund

With the help of Händlerbund, we’ll show you how to set up your Shopify order overview page in a legally compliant way. What to look out for on the order overview page and what you need to customize specifically for Shopify, we’ll show you in this Shopify tutorial.

Legally compliant order overview page - Händlerbund white paper

There is a 10-page white paper on the legally compliant order overview, which we warmly recommend to you if you want to be on the safe side and have not yet booked a plan from the Händlerbund. It contains the mandatory information that should be included in the order overview of your store, as well as suggestions on how it can be designed. At the end, the questions are clarified as to whether scrolling on the order overview page is permissible, i.e. that important information is displayed below the order button, but can only be reached by scrolling, and to what extent the article description must be included in the order overview. The paper is then rounded off by an explanation of what could happen in the event of non-compliance. For our part, therefore, an urgent reading recommendation. The paper can be downloaded from the Händlerbund members’ area.

The following must be observed with regard to the general terms and conditions and cancellation policy

However, we will now demonstrate how to include the necessary terms and conditions and the cancellation policy in the order overview in Shopify. This is necessary so that they then also become part of the contract. That means you can include the terms and conditions either as a link or in the form of a checkbox. We choose the former and therefore go to our settings. Here we want to customize the checkout area, so we go to Checkout. For us, the relevant area is “order processing”. Check the “Request a confirmation step” box. This will add the sentence “I agree to the terms and conditions and I have taken note of the cancellation policy” to the order overview. Thereby the terms AGB and Widerrufsbelehrung are linked.

Small adjustments to make the order overview legally compliant

This is already good, but legally not yet accurate. That’s why we’re adjusting the wording. For this, we go to Themes and customize our language again. For this we need the tab “Checkout & System” and we scroll down to “Review notice.html” or just search it with “Ctrl + F”. There we now enter the following sentence:

“Please see our {{ terms_of_service}}. I have taken note of the {{ refund_policy }} together with the sample cancellation form.”

Do not forget to save at the end. The terms and conditions and cancellation policy should now be accurately displayed in the order overview.

If you have any questions about Shopify please contact us

Thus, we would have customized our Shopify. The next two episodes will be about the order confirmation and what to keep in mind for the newsletter. If there are any extra legal questions regarding Shopify SEO, Shopify store creation or general Shopify setup, contact our experts, we will be happy to help you as a Shopify agency.

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