Instagram business mistake

4 mistakes companies often make at the beginning

This video is about 4 Instagram business mistakes. What should you show of your business on Instagram? Who should you follow? What content should you choose? We present you the top 4 business beginner mistakes on Instagram.

Instagram Business Mistake 1: You are not pursuing a goal

There’s nothing more frustrating on Instagram than putting your all into it and still nothing happens or followers even unfollow you. Often this is due to one or more errors that make many users ignorant. Let’s start with the first one: You are not pursuing a goal.
This mistake is seen very often. You post sometimes more, sometimes less, try out different things, but you don’t have a real goal for the account. But without a goal for an account, it becomes difficult on Instagram. Sure, followers are important, but just setting followers as a goal is not enough. So ask yourself the question: what exactly do you want to achieve with your account on Instagram? Where to go? Why do you use Instagram? Are they new customers, for example? Once you have clarified this question, you should think about how to address this target group, so that you do not get as many as possible, but exactly the right followers for your account. So remember: Only share content that really fits your goal.

Content without a face

Many users do not like to show themselves. But also many companies do not show your face. However, people always need personality. That’s why big companies often advertise with famous actors or models, as this gives the product a personality. On Instagram, this is also an important point. That doesn’t mean you have to do a lot of stories a day telling people about you or just posting selfies of you. However, you can appear in your Stories from time to time and introduce your followers to the latest product or give tips, for example. Another tip from us is, for example, to take a photo of yourself instead of the company logo as a profile picture. This way, new followers already have a face to your account. Don’t forget Instagram is a social network. This is about people networking.

Instagram Business Mistake #3 - You post too much ego content and selfies.

Tip two was about too little personality and now it’s about too much of it. Maybe you take too many selfies and too many photos of yourself that don’t add value, don’t have a good caption, and don’t provide a reason for strangers, potential followers, to be interested in your account. When choosing your content, try to put yourself in the shoes of your followers and look at which accounts you are subscribed to. Why do you follow these accounts? Also you need this something that arouses interest in users. For example, share your experiences on certain topics or your knowledge. You can do this in the captions, in stories, or even with graphics that you create and share in addition as posts to your normal content. Selfies with personal content tend to work better with users who are already known and where followers are interested in the person they already know.

Instagram Business Mistake #4 - You don't separate business and personal.

Often users have a private account and start using it to pursue certain goals. You should separate this by creating a new account for your goals or business. This way you make sure that your private followers and friends continue to see your private content and not your business, because, for example, old school friends are not interested in your content, which is very niche-specific. Also, don’t follow all your friends and acquaintances with your business account, because again, even though you know them, they are the wrong followers and it gives the algorithm a false picture of your business.
If you are still missing the right, holistic social media strategy, we at eBakery are happy to help you as a social media agency.

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