Instagram beginner mistakes

It is imperative to avoid these mistakes

This second part is about more Instagram beginner mistakes, mainly aimed at businesses. If you’re just starting out with Instagram, you should try to avoid these 4 mistakes for your business imperatively.

Instagram beginner mistake #1: Use business account for private purposes

Many users have created a business account for their online store, a service or even as a personal travel blog. Now, to show Instagram where to assign the account, you should follow other accounts from your niche and actively follow them. This way you make sure that Instagram shows your account to others who are active or interested in the niche. However, if you only use this account in a private way and interact with accounts around a completely different topic, then Instagram will have trouble ranking you properly. So it makes no sense for you to use your business account for private purposes. Separates the private use and the business account from each other.

You don't post carousel posts?

Many users do not post carousel entries because they are too much work for them. But carousels ensure that a post of yours gets a high watchtime and is thus assigned more relevance by the Instagram algorithm. For all you beginners on Instagram: Carousel posts are posts that consist of multiple photos that can be swiped. This way you can share more value with your followers. Carousel posts are also saved more often and have a high watchtime as mentioned before. These are both positive signals for the algorithm. Therefore, take this opportunity and use carousel contributions.

Instagram rookie mistakes: You don't use trends

Reels are the newest feature of Instagram. There are always different new trends here. If you participate in these trends, the algorithm rewards you and plays the video to many users. For example, a trend can be a certain dance, a certain song, or a certain original sound that you use in your reel. Trends offer a good additional way to get reach for one’s posts.

Have you also thought about the call-to-action?

A good Instagram caption always has a call-to-action. This is designed to get users to share, comment and like a post. That’s how you create engagement. But many users either don’t formulate the call-to-action at all or they don’t formulate the call-to-action clearly and concisely enough. Our tip for this: Don’t make it too complicated and write the call-to-action as simple as possible. For example, you can ask for tips on a particular topic. Ask your followers to write this one in the comments. You can also use the last image of a carousel for a call-to-action. There are many opportunities here that you should definitely take advantage of.

Contact eBakery with social media questions

If you are still missing the right, holistic social media strategy, we at eBakery are happy to help you as a social media agency.

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