Instagram hashtags in the caption or comments ?

This method is the better

Are you allowed to put the Instagram hashtags in the comments or should they be integrated into the caption – i.e. the description? We address this question in the video. Using a practical example, we show whether the posts can be found in the hashtag pages and whether this reduces the reach.

This is what this episode is about

This episode is once again an Instagram hashtag episode. We already showed you three strategies in a previous article on how to create your topic-specific hashtags so that they also have an impact. In today’s video we also want to get to the bottom of the question whether it makes a difference to put your hashtags at the end of your post text or to place them as the first comment under the video.

Instagram hashtags in the caption or comments - This method is more desirable

Let’s compare the two approaches without discussing which is more effective. One aspect that probably every viewer will agree with is that hashtags don’t really look aesthetically pleasing in and of themselves. This means that although they serve the purpose of allowing you to generate more reach based on your interests, they should be invisible if possible.
Accordingly, it would play into your cards if these hashtags didn’t exactly have to be included in the post, as the description would then look cleaner. But the questions that arise are these:
Will the post be played out for all hashtags in both variants? And do you have to reckon with a range restriction if you put them in the comments? Let’s try this out with a practical example.

Instagram hashtags in the caption or comments - practical example

We go in to our Instagram channel for this and take the same picture each time. First, we put the hashtags directly into the description, post the whole thing, and then go into one of the less generic hashtags. As you can see, everything worked out. Our post is played out under this hashtag, which was to be expected. Now we delete this and try variant 2. We just take the top part of the text, post this again, and very quickly after that, comment on the hashtag as the first comment. Now we check the same hashtag again. And as you can see, the contribution is also played out. We tested both for the other hashtags as well. So you can already state that both posts are played on all hashtags, no matter which variant you use. But can it still be that the Second Method causes the range to be limited?

Will your reach still be limited?

Since you’ve probably heard this myth confirmed by people, but it’s just as likely to be dismissed as hokum, we’ll give you a tip, just try it out for yourself, because that’s always the most reliable method.
We will now show you how to do this. For this you need a business account, because you need to make use of the analytics. You can then go into the Insights. In addition to likes, comments, and the number of times your post was saved and shared, the bottom field also breaks down your reach. Among other things, your range is also defined in more detail by hashtags. What you could do now is to post the posts with both variants for a week and compare the reach of the hashtags at the end of this week. You already have the certainty. We did this once and the result was that there was no difference.

Instagram hashtags in the caption or comments - The summary

In summary, this means that there is no reason not to put your hashtags in the comments, if you really put them promptly, i.e. within the next few seconds as the first comment. On the contrary, it would speak for the fact that your contribution text then simply looks cleaner.

If you have any questions about social media, contact us at

I hope you could take something from the video for you. For any other questions about your social media, online marketing including Facebook and Instagram Ads, get in touch.

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