PPC campaigns in online marketing

Learn more about PPC campaigns and how you can create them successfully. As an eCommerce agency and PPC experts, we help our clients create Google, Bing, Amazon and Facebook campaigns and monitor performance. Besides PPC, we also specialize in search engine optimization.

What is a PPC campaign?

A PPC campaign is an online advertising campaign that has been set to the performance-based
CPC billing method. Cost-per-click (CPC) is often used as a synonym for pay-per-click (PPC), but pay-per-click is the process, so we describe it as a billing process.

As an advertiser, you pay the provider, such as Google, Bing, Amazon, and Facebook, for each click on one of your ads in your campaign.

Google PPC campaigns

PPC campaigns in Google Ads

Google Ads is the advertising system. Here you can create PPC campaigns. When you create a new campaign, you can set the bids or bidding strategy and could also set the maximum cost-per-click (CPC) yourself. Depending on the advertising objective, the bidding strategy should be adjusted here. We are happy to support you with Google Ads optimization and offer professional Google Ads support.

Amazon PPC campaigns

PPC campaigns in Amazon

The term Amazon PPC stands for paid advertising on Amazon, there are similarities here to Google Ads, Bing Ads. In Amazon Seller Central you can create campaigns, which in turn include ads to bring your products closer to potential buyers when they use search queries with related keywords, or search for similar products on Amazon. If you want to learn more about Amazon PPC, feel free to contact us.

Successful PPC campaigns

No matter what advertising system you work with (Google, Bing, Amazon or Facebook), if you don’t think about your PPC campaign up front, you won’t invest your money effectively.

For a PPC campaign to be successful, you must first be able to measure this success. Define your advertising goals and set up conversion tracking correctly in Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Facebook Ads, among others. If you can’t measure your goals, you will lose a lot of money. When it comes to the billing method, you should take a special look at what you want to spend money on. In the advertising systems of Google and Amazon, for example, you can set a CPC and a keyword option for keywords. Especially the right keyword option can save a lot of money here, but also the bidding strategy should not be forgotten here.

If you have already created a PPC campaign, you should definitely keep an eye on it and regularly perform an analysis.

Tips for successful PPC campaigns:

1) Define advertising goals
2) Set up conversion tracking
3) Determine campaign success
4) Analyze keywords
5) Determine keyword option
6) Set campaign structure
7) Perform monitoring
8) Perform analyses

Experts for PPC campaigns

Our team includes many experts in various store systems and online marketing topics such as web design, social media, SEO and SEA. If you have any questions about PPC campaigns, feel free to contact us for a no-obligation initial consultation. We are also happy to give you an introduction to PPC campaign optimization or train your staff. We are at your service as a performance marketing agency.

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