What does Amazon ACoS and TACoS mean ?

We have the answer

How does the ACoS differ from the TACoS for Amazon PPC?

What does ACoS actually mean and what does TACoS mean?
The ACoS is quite simple to understand. The bottom line is “advertising cost of sale.” Means advertising spend compared to advertising revenue, but as a percentage. Means, we have for example 1000 € advertising expenses, to 10.000€ advertising turnover. This would mean 10 percent ACoS. The TACoS, on the other hand, takes not only the advertising revenue, but the total revenue of the article. Means we still have our 1,000 euro advertising spend. We also have 10,000 euros of advertising revenue, but then we add another 10,000 euros of organic revenue, i.e. non-advertising revenue. Means we have 1,000 euros advertising expenditure, this should then mean 5 percent TACoS. Why do we use the TACoS? We like to use this to evaluate performance overall and see, is the sale worthwhile, is the advertising efficient, is the organic growth there? And we don’t just look at the advertising, but at the big picture and can then see relatively well whether we are profitable or not. However, if you would like more in-depth advice on this, we as an Amazon PPC agency will be happy to help. Arrange your free initial consultation now.

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