Influencer agency

Simply use influencer marketing as a company

What is an influencer agency? We answer these questions in this video. Furthermore, you will learn what the main tasks of such an agency are and how it helps brands and companies.

Influencer Agency - What does it do?

Influencers have become one of the most important components in the world of social media. You market products, are the face of campaigns, and have a large community around you that is inspired by you. Many influencers now have an agency behind them to support them in their work. But what exactly does an agency like this actually do? In Germany, the field of influencer marketing is still relatively new. Many agencies have now specialized in this new area of marketing. They develop different campaigns for companies and brands via channels such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat. For your campaigns, you want to leverage the reach of popular influencers to connect with a specific target audience.

The main task of an influencer agency

The main task of an influencer agency is to promote the talents of influencers and connect them with the right clients. In other words, they establish contact between the influencer and the brand by suggesting the right influencer for your product or campaign to a company. An important point here is authenticity, because the target of the company is not the influencer, but his community. This follows the influencer because, for example, they are interested in the topics of the niche in which an influencer is active. For companies that make products for this niche, this community is exactly the audience they want to sell your product to. The product must therefore fit the influencer so that it can be credibly promoted.

An interface for brands and influencers

These intermediary and marketing tasks are tasks that are taken on by an influencer agency. An agency is therefore an interface through which influencers and brands meet. Brands get a suitable influencer through an agency and influencers regularly get suitable, authentic jobs through an agency. In addition, large agencies usually have contacts to the major social media platforms such as YouTube or Instagram. These, in turn, are of great advantage to the influencer and can be extremely valuable if, for example, the influencer has problems with their account or similar. If you still lack the right social media strategy, we at eBakery are happy to help you as a social media agency. Please feel free to make an appointment directly.

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