What are the Amazon product labels?

We have the answer

Amazon product labels - What to look out for here?

What is important to know about Amazon product labels?
At Amazon, there are generally different types of labels. For newer sellers operating private labels or sometimes larger sellers, nevertheless in the private label sector, 2 types of labels are actually primarily becoming relevant. We have the product label itself, i.e. the barcode. This can be purchased both officially from GS 1, which is effectively the company that manages the barcodes globally, or we may apply to Amazon as the brand owner that we would like an exemption from barcodes. Means, then for us, we can create the product on Amazon without a barcode and then generate a pure Amazon barcode. This is called FNSKU or Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit, bit of a complicated name but that’s kind of our Amazon FBA barcode. The type of 2nd barcode or label would be shipping box labels. Means when we send our product to Amazon
Amazon has to know exactly what kind of cartons are arriving, how many, which products, and when we have transmitted this information, we then receive carton labels from Amazon, so to speak, which are placed on the shipping cartons, i.e. not on the product itself, but on the shipping carton of the product, so that Amazon can then also identify the product and the delivery. However, if you would like more in-depth advice on this, we as an Amazon agency will be happy to help. Arrange your free initial consultation now.

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