These are 5 ways you can use to drive external traffic to your Amazon and eBay listings

You sell on eBay or Amazon and want to push your listings by generating traffic from outside? So by driving external traffic to your eBay and Amazon listings? See what 5 actions (both paid and free) you should consider to end up with more sales in the video.

Sell as an online merchant on eBay or Amazon

You are active in online trade and sell, for example, on large marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay? Both marketplaces can offer some advantages with millions of buyers worldwide. Amazon also offers its own fulfillment service, for example, so you can store your goods anywhere in the EU and Amazon will take care of all the logistics. The really hard part about marketplaces this large is standing out from the competition. How many merchants sell products similar to yours on eBay? How do you make a potential customer actually choose you in the end?

Generate external traffic

So if you want to generate sales, a crucial aspect is to get traffic. Traffic is basically visitor traffic. The higher the number of visitors, the higher the likelihood of a conversation and ultimately an actual purchase. Thus, it is also possible to receive traffic not only from the site itself, but externally. There are several ways to do this, both free and paid. A free variant is, for example, with the help of Facebook groups. Often, you’ll find prospects and other online merchants to interact and communicate with in the right groups. You can draw attention to your products and offer your knowledge at the same time.

Use Facebook or Google Ads for external traffic

This free interaction can get you a lot of new customers and can also help you make important contacts in the industry. The paid variant of this would be to set targeted advertising, e.g. with Facebook Ads or Google Ads. You can also create a professional landing page that provides all the important features and information about your product. Here, it’s important to add the appropriate linking so that prospects are taken directly to your website or product.

Use sales platforms or create YouTube videos

In addition, you also have the option of using sales platforms such as mydealz. mydealz is a social shopping community whose forum you can use to promote your product. Up to 500 offers and 5000 comments are posted here every day. So a great way to find users who are interested in yourproduct and end up buying it. Additionally, of course, you can always create YouTube videos and link them back to your website or product. If you are not quite as fit in this area, there are also professional agencies that will create a perfect YouTube video for you and also pay attention to good SEO relevance.

Advantages of external traffic

Similar to YouTube, you can also use Instagram for more traffic and reach. For example, you can create a dedicated page for your online store on Instagram and post products and news regularly. If these measures are successful, you will certainly notice benefits quickly. If you get more observers on eBay and make more sales, you will also increase your ranking at the same time. This means you have a greater chance of being seen internally as well. It also increases the chance of getting more views on your own website. More views, higher conversation and in the end more sales – test out a few ways to sell successfully.

Successfully generate traffic and achieve sales

Want to stand out from the competition on eBay and Amazon and generate more external traffic? If you need more detailed information on this topic, please feel free to contact us. As an eCommerce agency with many years of experience, we can guide you on your way to becoming a successful online retailer.

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