How to secure your Amazon FBA with PANEU and Xentral’s ERP system

You use a fulfillment system like Amazon FBA, sell in the EU and need an eCommerce ERP system? Then the ERP system from Xentral could be something for you. Xentral sales representative Krischan Marquard tells you how to master the tax challenges of PANEU with Xentral and how to handle Amazon FBA safely.

Fulfillment with an external service provider

As an online retailer or entrepreneur, do you store your goods at various locations in the EU? So use Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), for example. With fulfillment, an external service provider takes care of all your logistics and warehousing. There are some advantages, e.g. faster delivery times, which can also positively influence your ranking in the long run. With pan-European shipping, there are of course some challenges, especially in terms of tax. Therefore, it is important to have a merchandise management system on your side that can safely handle Amazon FBA and supports you as a merchant. A good solution for this is the ERP system from Xentral.

Xentral and pan-European shipping

Xentral is an innovative and strategic ERP system that established companies in all industries can use. Xentral has developed a variety of interfaces to marketplaces and store systems, so that you can position yourself broadly as a merchant. In addition, you can synchronize all sales channels with each other and centrally control and manage all your work processes. With Amazon’s pan-European shipping, Amazon handles the distribution and storage of your products in logistics centers throughout Europe. You can freely choose which countries should be considered for storage. This flexible warehousing, allows for rapid growth and you can save on shipping costs.

Tax challenges

But you can also store your goods in different countries yourself. One of the biggest challenges here is certainly the delivery threshold. From the moment you, as an online merchant, store your goods in a European country other than your own, you must also report the respective sales tax. Xentral can do just that for you. With this intra-Community supply, Xentral can ensure that financial regulations are met at all times and that the tax advisor and the tax office are satisfied with the financial plan.

Xentral monitors delivery threshold limit

It gets especially complicated when you deliver from a foreign EU country to another foreign EU country, for example from Austria to France. Because the delivery threshold is reached pretty quickly here. In most countries it is now around 35000 euros net. But Xentral also handle this without any problems. And it does so by having Xentral help monitor the delivery thresholds. In this way, the system always knows exactly when the limit is reached and can quickly switch to the deviating sales tax. When it comes to topics such as taxes, no one likes to deal with them more intensively. And thanks to Xentral, you no longer have to, because the ERP system takes care of all the issues surrounding pan-European shipping.

You want to successfully master pan-European shipping?

A fulfillment system brings many benefits, but also challenges. Xentral helps you to overcome all challenges without any problems. Are you interested in the ERP system? Then don’t hesitate to approach Xentral or even us. If you have any questions about other eCommerce topics, our experts will be happy to assist and advise you.

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