Optimize Amazon product titles and get better ranking

Optimizing the Amazon product title brings in the best case a positive influence on the Amazon algorithm. But it should not get out of hand in a string of keywords. How many characters you should ultimately use for your perfect Amazon product title, how many keywords should be placed there and what advantages the hyphenated spelling brings with it, you can watch in our screencast video.

Optimize Amazon product titles through good keywords

The Amazon product title should contain your keywords, still make it recognizable what it is about and in the best case contain descriptive features of your product. What one or the other already knows through Google SEO as Meta Title and Meta Description is summarized in the title at Amazon. There is one focus keyword for each product that should absolutely be at the beginning – if not the first – of your Amazon title.

Utilize title length of 200 characters

You should primarily focus on the first 100 characters, as these are played out in the gallery view and serve to inform but also entice the potential customer to click on your product. But that doesn’t mean it’s done with the first 100 characters. Use the full length of 200 characters, as this will be fully played out on your product page.

Let Amazon product title end with special preference of your product

It is good practice to end the product title with a special benefit that your product has to offer. In our video example, this would be the “high-quality display” of the display. Because from a psychological point of view, the beginning and the end of the title are the first to catch the eye. Thus, you can lure and convince the customer with an outstanding feature.

No Go’s when creating your optimal Amazon product title

One absolute no go’s you should avoid when optimizing your Amazon product title is simply stringing keywords together. While it’s quite possible that you’ll influence the Amazon algorithm and rank well, you still want your products to convert in the end. They won’t do that if the customer thinks of your product as spam and considers it unserious.
What should be taken for granted, but is not always adhered to, is the principle of not making false promises. This may attract customers, but in the end it hurts your brand. Furthermore, correct spelling and orthography is mandatory. Just as damaging to the brand as false promises are spelling errors.

How many keywords for the perfect Amazon product title

Since some of you will be torn between usability-friendly and keyword-oriented work, we recommend to include 3 – 4 keywords in the title. The rest of the relevant keywords can be placed in the bullet points and the description.

Optimize Amazon product titles through hyphenated spelling

In our screencast, we use the example of “e-shisha liquid”. This spelling means that several search terms are played out – e-shisha, shisha liquid, shisha and liquid , which can definitely bring you advantages.

Artificially get more attention

A common way to draw attention to one’s product is to use capitals. To this should be said – use in moderation, not in mass. A permanently capitalized title looks unserious on the one hand and can possibly also be punished by Amazon.

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