Sell on Amazon Netherlands

For a long time, Amazon’s Netherlands have hardly been noticed. Only eBooks were available in Dutch, all other products were only available elsewhere. If a Dutch customer searched for other, physical goods, he was redirected directly to

Since March, this has come to an end – now has a wide range of products. How you can sell on and what to consider, you can read here.

Amazon Seller account for

Although the Netherlands only has just under 17 million inhabitants, they are very Internet-savvy. 96% of Dutch people actively use an Internet connection, which means that good offers reach almost the entire country.

Even before March, merchants with an active Amazon Seller account could request activation for Amazon itself translated over 3 million items into Dutch in 2018, which was part of the preparations for the market launch.

To register, go to the Dutch Amazon site and now you have to pay attention. Simply click on the “Begin met verkopen” button and you will automatically register for the rate with a monthly fee of €39. If you just want to test it, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Meld je aan om een Individuele Verkoper te worden”:

Amazon.NL Begin met verkopen

The pricing model is the same as in Germany. If you sell less than 40 items per month, you pay 0,99 € + fees, if you sell more than 40 items and therefore the variant with basic fee of 39 € net, you only pay other fees. You also get access to an order summary, automated tools to manage your inventory, and APIs and web services in Seller Central. While the category selection is limited in the “smaller” variant, you can sell in all Amazon categories with the “larger” one. Professionals can also work with Amazon Web Service API to transfer payments, orders, product lists, etc. faster.

If you leave the checkmark “Verkoop automatically op all EU-markten” in, you will be registered to sell on all European Amazon marketplaces, if you are not already. If you want to sell only in the Netherlands, uncheck the box. payment methods

The Dutch are reluctant to buy on credit cards. Thus, only 55% of the inhabitants have the small plastic money. The standard method in Dutch online commerce is called iDeal. So if you want to sell successfully on, adapt to local conditions and offer iDeal as a payment method.

Amazon FBA in the Netherlands

You can also use Fulfillment by Amazon if you want to sell in the Netherlands. The goods are stored in Germany and transported to the Netherlands, own warehouses are not planned so far.

Activate Amazon NL

As professionals for Amazon SEO we are happy to support you with the setup of Even if you are already selling successfully on Amazon, we can support you at amazon-nl. Why not arrange a free initial consultation right away?

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