Amazon Vendor Consulting

If you make good sales as an Amazon Seller, sooner or later Amazon will approach you and make you an offer. They will suggest you to join the Amazon Vendor Program, which is supposed to help you generate much higher sales.

In fact, the Amazon Vendor Program promises higher sales, because if you agree, Amazon will handle the warehousing and some of the marketing – though it will also handle the pricing. Your task is then simply to deliver the products to Amazon in the desired (bulk) quantities. Amazon then handles the sale including shipping, etc.

Amazon Vendor opens up new opportunities for you. More sales, better display options and marketing relief. This allows you to restructure, hire more people in the warehouse, etc. On the other hand, you are also more dependent on Amazon, because they have to buy your goods. Amazon already has a good nose and can assess very well whether the business is also worthwhile for Amazon itself in the long term. However, guaranteed profits are not.

Another benefit is that you get access to Amazon A+ content, which gives you more leeway in designing your product pages. You will be provided with several templates that you can design more freely. So you can drag and drop different content containers to the right place and then fill them with content.

Since this is the only way for you to influence the presentation of your products, the product page should be built perfectly. We already have years of experience with Amazon SEO and Amazon marketing campaigns – we would be happy to take care of your Amazon Vendor presence as well.

Amazon Vendor Advertising

As an Amazon Vendor Agency, we know what it takes to perfectly represent your products as an Amazon Vendor. We design the product pages with appropriate bullet points, apt texts and Amazon product images, all according to Amazon best practice. Unlike the Amazon Seller account, Amazon Vendor gives you better display options that you should take advantage of.

The design options in the Amazon Vendor Program also favor a better marketing strategy. As an Amazon marketing agency, we have been bringing in more sales to merchants on Amazon for many years, despite the limited options in the Amazon Seller program. The extended possibilities as an Amazon Vendor give you, with proper planning, further advantages. Selling through Amazon will decrease your profit margin, but you can make up for this with the right marketing strategy because the number of units sold will increase.

Amazon Vendor Marketing Strategy

In addition to better designed product pages, you can add advertising on Amazon. However, caution is advised here, because if your product pages themselves already rank well, additional advertising could just be burnt money. We will be happy to advise you in detail on whether and in what form you should book additional advertising.

With this advertising, you should namely consider that you yourself initially have no direct benefit, but Amazon earns twice for it. This is because they book the advertising on Amazon and thereby also increase sales there. Your sales will probably also increase, but you should decide on a case-by-case basis whether the profit margin is then still worth it.

Since blanket statements on these topics are not possible, you should think carefully about the decision. We would be happy to advise you in detail whether participation in the Amazon Vendor Program is worthwhile for you and in what other ways we can support you.

Why not arrange a free initial consultation right now – our colleagues from Amazon Consulting will be there to help you.

Amazon Vendor and ERP Systems

Since working with Amazon Vendor orders can become cumbersome, there are fortunately ERP systems that make it possible to simplify the whole thing and still keep an eye on all business processes.

Learn more in this video:

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