Xentral ERP/ Xentral Wawi EDI Interface: What Amazon Vendor EDI Need For

Today we are talking about the data exchange format “Electronic Data Interchange” or also “Electronic Data Interchange Format”. This is needed to e.g. communicate with relevant food retailers or dealers in the automotive industry. Xentral has an in-house EDI interface and there is a lot to tell about it. Press play and listen to Krischan’s (sales Xentral) explanations.

What is EDI?

Electronic data interchange (EDI for short) generally refers to the exchange of electronic business documents such as purchase orders, delivery bills and invoices. The English term, which is also more commonly used, is Electronic Data Interchange. It is therefore a data exchange format. This is mainly needed to be able to communicate with large companies. So, for example, food retailers or the automotive industry. A standardized format in which documents, orders, delivery bills but also complete price catalogs can be exchanged. In doing so, EDI aims above all to achieve a high level of process automation through integrated business processes. EDI has many benefits, such as cost savings by eliminating paper and increased efficiency thanks to fast processing.

ERP software from Xentral

The only drawback is that many e-commerce ERP systems have trouble connecting EDI properly. Xentral provides a solution to this. Because Xentral is an innovative and web-based ERP system that helps you as an online retailer to master strategically important tasks. It synchronizes all sales channels and automates shipping processes. Do you own an online store and additionally use different marketplaces? With Xentral you can link everything together so that all orders can be imported and managed. Keeping track of all shipping processes and logistics – that’s what Xentral’s ERP software allows you to do. On top of all these benefits, the Xentral team has developed an interface to EDI.

Amazon Vendor

Xentral came up with this mainly because of the now many Amazon vendors. Companies usually start on the Amazon marketplace as sellers (merchants). If the products are sold successfully, you get an invitation to the Amazon Vendor Program and from then on you are a vendor. Anyone who has ever had to deal with this certainly knows that Amazon wants a very specific transmission channel. How exactly the invoices should be issued or the delivery bills placed. For this purpose, Xentral has set up a dedicated AS2 server to ensure exactly this communication channel. Also, information can be exchanged as quickly as possible to allow for you and the customer to get your money quickly once goods have been shipped.

Xentral can do much more

The Amazon Vendor Program allows you to move a little more freely in e-commerce. Xentral has recognized exactly that, wants to automate many processes and has therefore decided to develop in this direction. Behind this is a large development effort that has not stopped at Xentral for a long time. Xentral basically uses a standard format that allows it to always adapt to the current counterpart by means of small adjustments. Therefore, Xentral also offers a wide variety of marketplaces that can be connected. These include, in addition to the big names like Amazon and eBay, among others:

  • real.de
  • Rakuten
  • Etsy
  • ManoMano
  • hood.de
  • Cdisount

A variety of marketplaces

This variety of marketplaces offers great opportunities for you as an online retailer. Because each marketplace has its own individual advantages. Are you more into do-it-yourself? Or are you focusing on antiques? All marketplaces have their own niche area that can bring out the best in you and your products. There are also many international marketplaces on offer. Internationalization in e-commerce is becoming increasingly important, so you can stand out well from the competition with an international multichannel strategy. Strong marketplaces that you can play in all thanks to Xentral. In addition to the benefits of the EDI interface and vendor program, with Xentral you have an extremely strong and flexible ERP system at your side that can grow with you.

You want to use the Xentral interface?

If you need more information, feel free to contact Xentral or us. Our experts can guide you from the initial consultation to the completion of your vision. We can also take care of all the technical operations.

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