Get Amazon Listing Created

As an Amazon agency, we are often asked what it takes to be successful on Amazon. To sell well on Amazon, you need a good listing. This refers to the presentation of your items on Amazon, i.e. the item page. The Amazon Listing is the composition of various components that show the different aspects of your item. These include: These components must be worked out in the best possible way so that your article is successfully found and bought by customers. The presentation should be promotional, but not exaggerated. Otherwise, this will result in returns that are unnecessary work and yield nothing. Besides, they can also harm your image. One important point remained unmentioned so far, and that is the backend keywords. Amazon’s search algorithm works with many methods, but you can’t influence all of them directly. It is therefore important to work out the points that can be influenced well. You can use Seller Central to store keywords per item that no customer will see. They only influence the search. Choose these keywords wisely, because they should really fit the item you are selling.

Optimize Amazon Listing

Since we have experts from all fields on board, we can create your perfect listing or optimize the one you already have to get more sales. Pay attention to these areas to create a good Amazon listing:


Technically specified are 200 bytes with spaces. To check if you stay within this default, you can try a byte counter. You should really stick to this default, otherwise Amazon’s search algorithm probably won’t index it. Accordingly, your product will not be found. The title should describe very precisely what the customer gets. Amazon’s search jumps on it, but if it’s displayed and it’s not clear from the title for the customer exactly what they’re getting, they’re more likely to click at a competitor. From the customer’s point of view, your title should be appealing – not too lurid, but it should be recognizable what it’s about.

Bullet Points

Here 1000 bytes are given, incl. Blank. You have a maximum of 5 key points with which you can briefly and concisely describe your article. Highlight the benefits of your article and phrase them appropriately for your target audience. Since you’re addressing your visitor directly here, it’s directly about advertising. Technical info is rarely interesting (unless it’s just about technology of course), this is more the place to wow your customer. If you sell pillows, you can write here how fluffy or colorful they are. If you sell PC parts like motherboards, add that it’s very compatible, for example, because it has many USB 3.0 ports. So even if the customer doesn’t have much of an idea yet, you want them to know quickly that your item is just right. You should also include Amazon keywords here so that the search algorithm knows better what it is indexing.


Especially the item images are very important for a good Amazon listing. Different best practices apply depending on the category, but always images should show the item as accurately as possible. Without disturbing backgrounds etc. Here we are happy to call in our photographer, who knows exactly what Amazon requires. The first thing people interested in your article look at are the pictures. Score with them and you’ve almost got the sale in the bag. If the bullet points fit and your item description gets right to the heart of why the customer should buy this item, the deal is perfect. If the images are meaningless or poorly shot, the prospect will feel that you didn’t put in enough effort and will buy elsewhere.


The description is actually uninteresting for many customers, the focus is very often on the images and bullet points. However, you can still score points here by presenting a situation in which your article could be particularly important. To stay with the pillow example, you could assume with pillows that the visitor always sleeps poorly, wakes up with a tense neck, etc. Your pillow provides good support, not too soft, etc. If you lack the right formulations, our copywriters will be happy to take on this work and create easy-to-read article texts.


Amazon shoppers often flit from one corner to the next when they access your item. You look at the first image, skim the title and bullet points, and then scroll all the way down to see the ratings. This point is important, but you cannot influence it directly. However, they are a strong reason why prospects become customers – or not. Special offers for good ratings used to be possible, but now they are penalized and can even lead to the item or your account being suspended. Therefore, sell your products at a good price without ulterior motives. Of course, good reviews are important, but pushing them is not a good idea.


You cannot influence this point directly, but it is included in the search result. An item that is sold 10 times a day is automatically displayed higher than an item that is sold only 2 or 3 times. Amazon assumes that the item with more sales has a higher relevance for customers.

Amazon Listing from the Pro

You see, there are many points to consider. Many you can influence, for others you have to rely on customers or Amazon’s automation. Once you have a bad ranking on Amazon, it’s hard to get yourself out of it. We will create you a good listing and also support you to optimize it. In addition, we can also create a good advertising campaign for you, so that your products rank higher again. Sounds promising? Why not arrange a free initial consultation right away?
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