Shopify "Buy with Prime

Amazon feature now also usable for Shopify

The “Buy with Prime” button for Shopify merchants is now a reality. Amazon and Shopify are now cooperating with each other, which will benefit you as an online retailer, but also your customers. For the first time, it will be possible to offer Amazon Prime benefits outside of Amazon. What is the prerequisite for this and who can now use this feature, you will learn in the video.

Cooperation between Shopify and Amazon

From now on, Amazon and Shopify will cooperate with each other, which will play into your cards as online merchants. But the question that arises is: “Aren’t the two companies in competition with each other”? And “what does this change now”?
These are exactly the questions we will answer in the following video. So be curious and watch best until the end.
If you don’t know us yet, we are eBakery, an established Shopify agency with over 135 informative videos just on this topic. The full playlist is linked here once again.

Difference between Amazon and Shopify

But now to our first question: Are the two companies competitors?
The short answer is yes and no. Ultimately, the two are different things. Amazon is a marketplace, whereas Shopify is an online store system. In a marketplace, several merchants sell their products. The advantage, however, is that just about everyone knows Amazon. This means that the retailer saves the marketing costs here, but is also completely dependent on the platform. Amazon in particular is known for having very strict specifications and requirements in order to provide the customer with the best possible buying experience in the end. However, in the past, some traders disliked this and were faced with a fait accompli and their account was blocked. That’s why they migrated to Shopify. However, this is not a marketplace, but a provider with which you build your online store. The advantage is you are independent, the disadvantage – no one knows his store at the beginning. So here, marketing is the be-all and end-all.

Shopify "Buy with Prime" - The new feature

Now that we understand where the difference lies, let’s ask ourselves what cooperation entails. To understand this, let’s briefly review the concept behind Amazon Prime. With Amazon Prime, customers pay a monthly fee for which they are entitled, among other things, to fast delivery, usually within one day. This can only be guaranteed if the logistics are fully handled by Amazon. If the term Amazon FBA doesn’t mean anything to you yet, feel free to check out the playlist linked above on the right. The groundbreaking news now is that soon Shopify merchants who also use Amazon’s fulfillment network will have the ability to integrate the Buy with Prime app directly into Shopify Checkout, which is processed by Shopify Payments.

Shopify "Buy with Prime" - What makes it so special

This gives online retailers the ability to offer Prime benefits to their customers outside of for the first time. So that means, once again, in one sentence: Shopify merchants who use the Amazon fulfillment network will soon be able to integrate this “Buy with Prime” button in their checkout, which in turn will benefit customers, as they will enjoy the advantages such as fast delivery times, uncomplicated returns, and so on. Provided the customer is also a Prime member, which I think goes without saying. So far, the feature is being rolled out in the US, but would you also offer this if it was then possible in Germany?
Feel free to write us about it in the comments, we are curious about your opinion.

Shopify agency eBakery

Our Shopify experts will be happy to take care of all other issues. Whether eliminating errors, optimizations in the store or marketing outside the store, we are happy to help you. Make an appointment with us right here.

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